
2010年7月13日 星期二

This is Jasber

I'm Jasber, from appling chemistry. I'm 18 years old and today is the first day at NCYU LOHAS english camp. I'm from Tou Liu , I come here by train, this is also my first time travleing by train by my own. I like playing the piano and some other instromeant,
I love music and I like to create rythem of my own, entertaining not only me but other one.
NCYU is a big and beautiful campus, and people are friendly, too. In here I make a lot frieand. It is fun! Our team leader Victor is a funny guy, he always can make everybody laugh.
In here we have to speak english. To me, it's qiet a hard work, but I should learn to handle this,
becauce I am a university fresh man now!
Hope can improve my own ability of english in these days at camp.

