
2010年7月14日 星期三

KOBE's second day

Hello everybody , I am Kobe , this is the second day I entered NCYU for the summer camp ,I am very happy that I have the chance to visit this activity.Today's first lesson
English Labyrinth, this amazing lesson is about the road signal and taught us how to read the map in English,to my surprise , I really don't absolutely understand the road signal untill I enter this participate class.
After the lesson , the next class is podcast English , and it introduce that how to look for the immediate news all orer the world,besides ,it also taught us that how to make the good use of The Movie Maker, in fact, its most function is drafting the music and the photo into a video.
Our team finished the wonderful vedio of my super idol ,Kobe Bryant.
Besides, the last lesson is FilmEnglish Take the Lead. The movie is very special that it introduce us a lot of dancing .To my shookness, the classic music can stay with the street music in harmany,it is very exciteting.
The NCYU summer camp is really fascinating and fantastic , and I have the dream that the
team ,Japan, can win the final championship,Ialso hope that the girl "Tida"will fall in love with
our best team leader "Victoria" .HaHa!!

